Panettone and organic saffron. The red gold of Tuscia.

Panettone and organic saffron. The red gold of Tuscia.

panettone, bio, organic, zafferano, saffron, Tuscia, Nepi

The holiday pastries made with the bio saffron of Nepi are a must-try delicacy. From a simple idea was born a high-quality line, masterfullycombining bold aromas and traditionalmethods. All the ingredients usedare natural, without artificial colouringsor sweeteners.

The PANETTONE with organicsaffron has literally seduced us, due to its fragrant tones well-balancedwith candied lemon and a strong taste, returning a great artisan natural product. Saffron brings together with theItalian tradition that dates back to the 400s and that from the nineteenthcentury becomes the art of soft Christmas cake making we are used to appreciating.The spice is rich in vitamins and has many antidepressant and antispasmodicproperties, in short a great help in cooking and also for our health.

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